Mother Failing Financials!

I can hear her now, “Be careful!” or “Don’t do that, you’ll get hurt!” Other statements I recall was, “You need to save lots of money!” and “Get a good stable job.”

It’s bad enough countering our inner voices telling us what we can’t do or reminding us how inadequate we are. But Mom’s voice from years ago still rings the loudest with today’s decisions. Considering a job change? Heavens no! You could mess up your career. Thinking of buying a house? Oh no! That payment could be too big and you could lose your house.

I’ve had the privilege of living a good life and being able to assist many people with financial decisions. Many times I can hear people’s mothers speaking through their mouths. If you can’t quiet the voice you’ll avoid most risks and never get ahead.

Nearly 70% of Americans report not liking their ‘jobs’. What a staggering number! But what’s most alarming is many of them do nothing to change the situation. The “Be careful!” and “Don’t do that, you’ll get hurt!” phrases have paralyzed many to live in fear of taking risks.

Many go to school, get a degree, then ‘fit in’ with a job that barely keeps up with inflation. Worse yet, people hear the “Be careful!” voices and rarely invest. Before you know it you’re in your 30’s or 40’s and you have nothing to show for so many years of faithful and dedicated work. Why is that? It was your ‘Mother-Failing” economic policy! She always told you to be careful and not to get hurt.

No one saves their way to financial freedom. You have to invest to gain financial freedom. You have to be willing to take risks. Risk is uncomfortable but getting out of our comfort zone is what allows us to grow.

It’s risky to invest in stocks, mutual funds, bonds, commodities or in Real Estate. But the amazing leverage you employ with tangible assets or the compounding effects of a good investment plan can pay lasting dividends.

Financial freedom is a blessed journey and excitement lies ahead because of the endless opportunities. No matter your age 19, 45 or 65, you’re never too young or too old to get rid of the mother-failing financial plan. Take some risks, leverage your assets and create your own financial freedom.