Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace robs you of your Financial Success

Top Dave Ramsey Lies

  1. You don’t need credit
  2. You can’t be in debt and win. It doesn’t work.
  3. Act your wage.

If I had lived these principles I would have never achieved financial success nor would I have been able to help so many achieve their own goals. Dave Ramsey can teach Financial Peace but I teach Financial Success.

Peace of mind comes at a great price. Risk, leverage, and action brings success. Dave Ramsey teaches people to save 20% and to secure a 15-year mortgage. In this low interest rate climate I teach to put as little down as possible and to secure a 30-year mortgage. You need credit to thrive in this market and to have the opportunity to employ all measures of leverage possible to achieve financial success. Leverage is debt and employing manageable debt allows you to win.

‘Act your wage’ and you’ll never advance to financial success. Successful people dream big and their actions reflect their desires, dreams and goals. You can waste valuable dollars paying down your mortgage and miss great opportunities to leverage and invest in your financial success. Of course there is financial peace knowing your mortgage is paid but while you were paying down your mortgage I was amassing a fortune of income-producing properties. Telling someone to ‘act their wage’ is telling you to not dream big and to resign yourself to the size of your paycheck. I say to you, “Act the wage you want!” Think big, leverage, and grow your Financial Success.

Financial Peace will cost you your ability to achieve Financial Success. Financial Peace is a life of mediocrity while Financial Success is a life of fulfillment.

To learn more, email James at James.RealEstate@yahoo.com